and I'm not even half-way there! Ken is the GOAT for a reason!" I feel like I've been put through the gauntlet over and over and over again. Speaking with Newsweek, Amodio admitted: "Ken feels as far away now as it did from Game 1. While Amodio sits in second position with the longest win streak, he's still a considerable distance behind Jeopardy! all-time champ Ken Jennings, whose record, which he has held since 2004, stands at 74 consecutive wins. 💰 A #Jeopardy wager that would hopefully make Machiavelli proud! 💰 - Matt Amodio October 5, 2021 "I still know he's better than me, but to know I've tied him in the most important stat of the show (number of games won), I feel so fortunate." "I watched every second of James tearing through the competition, and I knew he was better than I could ever be. Literally, unbelievable," he said via email. In an interview with Newsweek shortly after he was seen equaling Holzhauer's 32-game record on Thursday, Amodio said that he felt "fortunate" to have hit the milestone. On Friday, Amodio was seen passing Holzhauer's place as having the second-longest win streak in Jeopardy! history-a record he had held since 2019-when the new champ won his 33rd game. The highest of Holzhauer's single episode earnings is $131,127, while the lowest of his top 10 entries is $89,229. Responding to the message, Amodio wrote: "A #Jeopardy wager that would hopefully make Machiavelli proud!"ĭespite Amodio's impressive win, former champ James Holzhauer continues to hold the top 10 spots in most cash earned in a single episode of regular play on the show. In August, former “Jeopardy!” executive producer Mike Richards had been named host, before he stepped down nine days later after insensitive comments that he made on a past podcast resurfaced along with two previous discrimination lawsuits from his time as EP of “The Price Is Right.” Sony subsequently fired Richards.Read more Matt Amodio Says Hitting 'Jeopardy!' Record Feels 'Unbelievable' Sony said Bialik and Ken Jennings will be the hosts of “Jeopardy!” for the rest of the year as the studio searches for a permanent host to replace the late Alex Trebek. Sony Pictures TV-produced “Jeopardy!”, now in its 38th season of syndication, is currently hosted by Mayim Bialik.

Amodio responded, “I thought these memes were supposed to have the more attractive person on the left.” when it arrives,” he snarked in a tweet, with side-by-side pics showing their respective total cash winnings after 23 wins - Holzhauer at $1,780,237, more than double Amodio’s $825,801 at that point. Congrats week, Holzhauer threw some shade after Amodio’s 23rd win. “I’ve been betting sports since 2005 and this is the first time I’ve seen anyone hit a 33 game parlay.
Holzhauer, a professional sports gambler, tipped his hat to Amodio in a Twitter post Friday. As has often been the case during Amodio’s run, the game was a runaway: The two other contestants went into Final Jeopardy trailing the cash total of the reigning champ by a wide margin.

In Friday’s episode, Amodio won $55,400 after he got all three Double Jeopardy squares (getting two of them correct) and provided the correct question in Final Jeopardy. He’s become a fan favorite for his humble demeanor and wry sense of humor (notwithstanding his habit of saying “what’s” in his responses with people’s names when, grammatically, he should be saying “who’s”). Over the course of his appearance on the show, Amodio has displayed a wide breadth of knowledge on subjects spanning history, literature, arts and entertainment, science, geography and more.